Announcements for all your letting needs
When Welsh Government finally implement the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 on 15th July 2022, it will bring about a great deal of change for both landlords and tenants, not least in terminology.
The Welsh government is to go live with its controversial Renting Homes Wales Act on 15th July this year despite calls by landlords to ensure that it is "fit for purpose"
When you set yourself up as a landlord with a buy-to-let property you create a new taxable source of income. Essentially, any income from your rental property is taxable just like any other income.
Each new year brings with it a set of changes that landlords need to be aware of. The disruption caused by Covid-19 led to policy changes impacting many aspects of society and the private rented sector (PRS) was no different. When combined with legislation that has altered as a result of Brexit, 2021 will usher in many changes in the way landlords operate.
However, the reality is, it’s a subject all landlords (and tenants) need to consider when renting out their property. Most notably, which white goods should landlords supply if any at all?
Landlords have slammed the registration and licensing authority that regulates the private rented sector in Wales, taking the organisation to task for a range of failings.
Property Alert is an award-winning free property monitoring service aimed at anyone who feels a registered property could be at risk from fraud.
The Tenancy Saver Loan Scheme for the Private Rented Sector launched today, Wednesday, 7th October 2020. The loan scheme will provide an affordable way to cover rent arrears or future months’ rent for those struggling financially as a result of the public health emergency.
Leading property investment mentor and landlord Ranjan Bhattacharya has launched a petition calling for tenants to face eviction if they fall more than two weeks behind in rent payments.